Hi There! 👋🏻


User Interface on the Internet

I'm Mriganka, Frontend Developer with an eye for design.

Transform Your Vision into a Stunning Digital Reality with Expert Frontend Development Services Tailored to Your Unique Business Needs.

Technologies I work with


I priortize client collaboration, fostering open communication. I am a strong advocate for the user, and I believe in the power of simple, clean design.

Placeholder image for faux user John JohnsonJohn Johnson
Placeholder image for faux user Dan DanielsDan Daniels
Placeholder image for faux user Tom ThomasTom Thomas
Placeholder image for faux user Andrea AndreasAndrea Andreas
Placeholder image for faux user Pete PetersPete Peters
Placeholder image for faux user Phil PhillipsPhil Phillips
Placeholder image for faux user Garry GarrisonGarry Garrison
Placeholder image for faux user Frank FranklinFrank Franklin
Placeholder image for faux user Don DonaldsonDon Donaldson

Time Zone

I'm very flexible with time zone communications. I'm available for meetings and calls at any time.


Tech enthusiast and lifelong learner with a passion for developing and designing innovative solutions.

Placeholder image for faux user Don Donaldson

Pavan Kasu


@Mriganka has Excellent NextJS and Tailwind skills, Great communication.

My Tech stacks

I have experience with a variety of technologies and tools. Here are a few that I've worked with recently:

Experiences what makes you great

Here are some of the projects I have worked on.


Next.js 14TypeScriptKites Zerodha APITailwind CSSSupabaseFrom: Aug 2023To: present

Developed a comprehensive market sentiment analysis tool for investors and traders.Implemented real-time data fetching and analysis using Kites Zerodha API.Created an intuitive dashboard for visualizing market trends and sentiment data.Integrated Supabase for efficient data management and user authentication.Designed a responsive and user-friendly interface using Tailwind CSS.Implemented advanced charting and data visualization features for market analysis.

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Next.js 14TypeScriptTailwind CSSFrom: Apr 2024To: present

Developed a feature-rich gym session booking application inspired by Airbnb.Implemented key features such as typeahead search, gym pages, gym details, booking functionality, cancellation of appointments, user dashboard, and payment method integration.Utilized Next.js 14 with the app router architecture for efficient and scalable development.Integrated SWR for optimized data fetching and caching, ensuring a fast and responsive user experience.Incorporated Radix UI components for enhanced accessibility and consistent design.Seamlessly integrated with backend APIs for real-time data updates and synchronization.

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Next.js 14SupabaseDrizzleFrom: May 2024To: present

Developed a comprehensive freight brokerage system from scratch.Implemented secure user authentication using Supabase Auth.Set up a robust database model using Drizzle ORM for efficient data management.Created a feature-rich Broker Dashboard with key metrics, revenue insights, and order status.Implemented customer and carrier management functionalities.Developed work order management features with comprehensive tracking and status updates.Integrated MapBox API for address autocomplete, validation, and route visualization.Implemented email notifications using the Resend API for seamless communication.Utilized Supabase storage for attachment handling and generating public URLs.Incorporated EasyInvoice for generating professional invoices.

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ReactZustandReact QueryFrom: April 2024To: May 2024

Developed and implemented the change workspace feature, enhancing user experience and flexibility.Removed local storage dependency, improving data security and reliability.Created an intuitive onboarding process to guide users through the application.Integrated APIs for seamless data communication and functionality.Designed and developed payment pages, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process.Integrated Stripe for efficient and reliable payment processing.Implemented the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) feature, enabling users to define and analyze their target audience.Created visually appealing and informative ICP graphs to present customer data effectively.Ensured responsive design across different devices and screen sizes for optimal user experience.

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Next.jsTypeScriptMongoDBFrom: Oct 2023To: Nov 2023

Seamlessly share your coding-related queries, questions, and bugs within the community to seek assistance and contribute solutions to others.Implemented an advanced technology stack, including Next.js 14, Mongoose, Tailwind CSS, and Clerk for authentication, ensuring the application is built on the latest and most efficient tools.

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Authentication with Lucia Auth

Next.jsLucia AuthMongoDBMongooseFrom: Jan 2024To: Feb 2024

Developed a comprehensive authentication system in a Next.js 14 applicationIntegrated email/password authentication, OAuth, and account linking functionalitiesImplemented email verification and password reset features for enhanced securityUtilized MongoDB and Mongoose for efficient user data management

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Game Hub

ReactReact QueryTypeScriptFrom: Nov 2023To: Dec 2023

Crafted an aesthetically pleasing React User Interface by harnessing the power of the RAWG Video Games Database API.Implemented client-side caching and incorporated infinite scrolling functionalities using React Query, optimizing the application for seamless and efficient user interactions.

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In Browser Markdown Editor

Next.jsMongoDBTailwind CSSFrom: Sept 2023To: Oct 2023

Developed a Next.js application that allows users to create, edit, and delete markdown files.Implemented dark and light mode functionality: Users can switch between light and dark mode, enhancing customization and user engagement.

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Dribbble Clone

Next.jsReactTailwind CSSFrom: Dec 2023To: Jan 2024

Meticulously crafted a pixel-perfect landing page mirroring the design excellence of the Dribbble website.Introduced an engaging and visually appealing user experience by implementing an infinite horizontal scroll, accompanied by captivating animations.

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Dictionary App

Next.jsReactTailwind CSSFrom: Jan 2024To: Feb 2024

Developed a comprehensive dictionary application that allows users to search for words and view their definitions.Implemented dark mode functionality: Users can switch between light and dark mode, enhancing customization and user engagement.Font selection feature: Users can choose from a variety of fonts, enhancing customization and user engagement.

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Create the best User Experience

SEO optimized, fast and responsive websites with the latest technologies

1import React from "react";
3const App = () => {
4 return <h1 className="text-xl">Hello, World!</h1>;
7export default App;

Kind words from satisfied clients

Here's what some of my clients have to say about me

  • Excellent NextJS and Tailwind skills, Great communication
    Pavan KasuSSL Agency
  • I wanted to take a moment to express my profound appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with you on our recent Next.js full stack project.
    Krishna Kamal BaishnabCardiff University
  • Nice progress man! Very happy to work with you
    Alireza BashiriTruxo (Founder of Devmason.io)
  • I am very happy with the work done by Mriganka. He is very professional and has a lot of knowledge in the field of web development. I will definitely work with him again in the future.
    Samyak JainPlanyourSaas.io (VibeAndCode CEO)
Know about meAbout

Bachelor's in Computer Science & Engineering ( B.Tech )

Assam Don Bosco University (2017-2021)

Graduated with honors. Relevant coursework included Data structures, Algorithms, and software engineering.

Masters in Information Technology ( M.Tech )

Tezpur University (2022-2024)

Completed Masters in Information Technology with a specialization in Web Development & Software Engineering.

My journey so far


Computer Science & Engineering formal education


Industry experience in Frontend and Fullstack development


Projects completed with positive feedbacks

Hire me now 🏃🏻‍➡️

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