Authentication with Lucia Auth

Next.jsLucia AuthMongoDBMongoose
From : Jan 2024To : Feb 2024
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Developed a comprehensive authentication system in a Next.js 14 applicationIntegrated email/password authentication, OAuth, and account linking functionalitiesImplemented email verification and password reset features for enhanced securityUtilized MongoDB and Mongoose for efficient user data management

This project showcases a robust authentication system implemented in a Next.js 14 application, leveraging Lucia Auth, MongoDB, and Mongoose. It demonstrates a comprehensive approach to user authentication, combining modern web technologies to create a secure and user-friendly experience.

Key Features:

  1. Email/Password Authentication: Implemented a secure email and password-based authentication system using Lucia Auth.
  2. Email Verification: Enhanced security with email verification functionality for new user registrations.
  3. OAuth Integration: Enabled OAuth authentication with Google and GitHub, providing convenient sign-in options for users.
  4. Linked Accounts: Implemented functionality allowing users to link multiple accounts to a single user profile.
  5. Password Reset: Incorporated a password reset feature to improve user experience and account security.
  6. MongoDB Integration: Utilized MongoDB for efficient and scalable storage of user data.
  7. Mongoose ODM: Leveraged Mongoose for intuitive, object-oriented database interactions.


  1. Next.js 14: A React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated applications.
  2. Lucia Auth: A modern authentication library with a developer-friendly API.
  3. MongoDB: A flexible, document-based NoSQL database for scalable data storage.
  4. Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js.


This project demonstrates my proficiency in implementing complex authentication systems using cutting-edge technologies. It showcases my ability to integrate various authentication methods, ensure data security, and create a seamless user experience. The use of Next.js 14, Lucia Auth, MongoDB, and Mongoose highlights my skills in working with modern web development stacks and database management systems. This project is a testament to my capability to develop scalable, secure, and user-friendly web applications that meet the demands of today's digital landscape.