In Browser Markdown Editor

Next.jsMongoDBTailwind CSS
From : Sept 2023To : Oct 2023
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Developed a Next.js application that allows users to create, edit, and delete markdown files.Implemented dark and light mode functionality: Users can switch between light and dark mode, enhancing customization and user engagement.

The In Browser Markdown Editor is a feature-rich web application built using Next.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS. It provides users with a seamless and intuitive interface to create, edit, and delete markdown files directly within their browser. With support for both light and dark modes, the application offers a customizable and visually pleasing writing experience.

Key Features:

  1. Markdown Editing: Users can create, edit, and format their content using the powerful markdown syntax, enabling them to write structured and visually appealing documents with ease.
  2. Real-Time Preview: As users type their markdown content, the application provides a real-time preview of the rendered output, allowing them to see how their document will appear once published.
  3. Dark and Light Mode: The application supports both dark and light mode, giving users the flexibility to choose their preferred visual theme for a comfortable writing experience.
  4. MongoDB Integration: User-created markdown files are securely stored in a MongoDB database, ensuring data persistence and reliability.
  5. Resizable Panels: The editor interface features resizable panels, allowing users to customize the layout and allocate more space to either the markdown input or the preview pane according to their preference.
  6. Keyboard Shortcuts: The application supports keyboard shortcuts for common formatting actions, enabling users to work efficiently and streamline their writing process.
  7. Responsive Design: The user interface is fully responsive and optimized for various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and accessible experience across different devices.
  8. MDX Support: In addition to standard markdown, the application supports MDX (Markdown with JSX) syntax, empowering users to create dynamic and interactive content by embedding React components within their markdown files.


  1. Next.js: A powerful React framework for server-side rendering, static site generation, and optimized performance.
  2. MongoDB: A flexible and scalable NoSQL database for storing and retrieving user-created markdown files.
  3. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces with a consistent design system.
  4. Radix UI: A collection of unstyled and accessible UI components, including dialogs, toasts, and switches, enhancing the application's usability and accessibility.
  5. Zustand: A lightweight state management library for React, simplifying the management of application state.
  6. React Markdown: A React component for rendering markdown content, enabling real-time previews and client-side rendering.
  7. MDX: An extension of the markdown syntax that allows embedding React components within markdown files, enabling dynamic and interactive content.


The In Browser Markdown Editor project demonstrates my expertise in building sophisticated and user-friendly web applications using modern technologies. By leveraging Next.js, I showcase my ability to create server-rendered and statically generated pages, ensuring optimal performance and SEO benefits. The integration of MongoDB highlights my proficiency in working with NoSQL databases and designing efficient data models. Tailwind CSS and Radix UI exemplify my skills in creating visually appealing and accessible user interfaces. The implementation of features like real-time preview, resizable panels, and keyboard shortcuts demonstrates my attention to detail and focus on user experience. The support for MDX syntax showcases my knowledge of advanced markdown techniques and my ability to create dynamic and interactive content. This project serves as a testament to my full-stack development capabilities, combining frontend expertise with backend integration to deliver a comprehensive and polished application.